Written by Christian Hopewell
Over the last 9 months Camera Ventures has been researching the current state of analog photography around the world, interviewing hundreds of people from CEOs integral to the industry, to upcoming young enthusiasts. We have gone on to undertake a survey of over 7500 analog enthusiasts from around the globe so that we can see how vibrant, varied and ultimately how healthy the analog camera scene is. This all with the hope that we can answer whether analog photography has what it takes to survive and be appreciated by the generations to come. If you’ve already taken part in our survey then we’d like to thank you for helping with this project, and if you’re yet to do so you can still take part here.
Instagram is a mobile app-based social network dedicated to sharing photographs. On Instagram the photos come first and the text is secondary. Originally an iPhone exclusive app for sharing cell phone photos with stylistic filters applied. Instagram has now grown to the point where people of all levels of photographic interest, can share their images to a vast audience. Driven by users and hashtags, this social network allows people to search out photo styles, formats and photographers.
We asked our Camera Ventures survey participants to let us know their favourite Instagram users and the hashtags they use or search for. If you’re totally new to Instagram these users and hashtags should give you a good starting off point, and if you’re an Instagram veteran you may still find some new and interesting to follow.
Top 10 recommended Instagram users:
Top 10 recommended Instagram hashtags:
Our very own Cameraventures Instagram page is flanked by some serious competition up there. If you ever need any reassurance that film photography is still alive and well the above Instagram users and hashtags should provide you with ample examples. The recommended pages include streams of contemporary film photographs and examples of beautiful analog equipment. Hopefully you’ll be able to find some analog inspiration from the selection above – I know I have.