Contact us
The camera rescue project has always been about doing things together. Companies, freelancers and volunteers around Finland and Europe have united to work under the same mission. Since 2018 we have concentrated the knowhow, machinery and spare parts in the same location known as the Camera Rescue Center, in Tampere Finland.
With any questions, comments, doubts or tips you can always email

The camera rescue staff when we reached 100 000 cameras rescued
International Crew
We work with many freelancers to get localized assistance for bigger rescue operations. Feel free to contact your local crew member with any questions or suggestions.
Click any of the flags below to find someone in your country.
If your country is not on the list, feel free to reach out to
Working at the office of our Parisian partner Nation Photo, Alex, Stefan, Jules and Adrien can both check and buy cameras in any quantities with a central Parisian location.
Stefan is also available for travel, if larger collections need to be assessed.

Spain and Latin American
Nicolas Llasera
Nicolas Llasera is a well known figure in the Spanish and international analog photography scene. He can reply to any project related questions in Spanish.

Juho Leppänen
Juho has run the Camera Rescue project since the beginning but has now taken a step back from running the whole project. However, he is still available for camera rescuing in Finland.

United States and Eastern Europe
Jordan Lockhart
Jordan, a Californian by origin, has lived the past few years in Europe. He can be contacted with questions about the US or if you happen to have a bigger lot within smart distance from Budapest.

Roman "@r0man0ff" Kalygin
Roman is a frequent sight at our HQ in Tampere, where he has both trained with Cameramakers and done his world famous camera flatlays! He can be contacted for any inquiries from the EAEU via

Belgium and the Netherlands
Gheerwijn Clicque
Gheerwijn Clicque is a camera enthusiast from Belgium. He has a special skill of finding cameras in the most unlikely places, and that makes him an excellent Rescuer! For a contact check his Instagram.

Linus Harwig
Linus Harwig is our Germany representative! He can easily be reached by emailing

Norway and United Kingdom
Arild Edvard Båsmo
Arild is part of the Camera Rescue team and can be contact, in Norwegian or English, about anything related to Norway or the UK. He is from Norway but moved to Edinburgh, Scotland to study 4 years ago and knows both the Norwegian and British community well.
Reach Arild via

Jonas, Cameron & Sanna
Jonas works at the Tampere office in and can be contacted about anything related to Sweden in Swedish, Finnish or English.
Cameron & Sanna are our boots on the ground in Sweden. They can be contacted about anything related to Sweden in Swedish or English.

Isshin & Tomoya
Isshin and Tomya are our Japanese interns of the 2021/22 winternship.
You can contact them about anything related to Japan in Japanese or English.