We are very happy to announce we have now rescued 50 000 film cameras all the way to new loving homes.
If you are new to the whole Camera Rescue concept, it is a project managed by the Finnish film photography community and industry. The main goal is to find film cameras that are unused and getting them back to use. In the 1990s getting used cameras to a new home was common practice for all local camera shops, but in 2019 this means also repairing or servicing around 70-90% percent of the cameras that we find. You can find out more about us for example in this summarizing article from cameraville.
Today there are 5 companies with around 20 full time employees working on this project in Finland. In addition we have crew members helping us find forgotten cameras around Europe and Finland.
This week we are celebrating reaching 50 000 twice as we reached also a combination of 50 000 followers on Instagram with @camerarescue and our project partners at @kamerastorecom.
To celebrate we will give away many 50€ gift cards.
One 50€ gift card for both 50 000 so 2x 50€ anyhow, but to keep the party alive also an additional 50€ gift card for every +1000 followers to the IG accounts or 100 new cameras finding a home (counter is live on the frontpage of camerarescue.org).
How to participate:
Join the celebrations on IG There will be 10 celebrating posts on @camerarescue in instagram and 5 celebrating posts on @kamerastorecom in the next week. Comment anything on the posts to be a part of the raffles. The raffle machine takes in account 1 comment/post + tagging friends to join the celebrations. So you can have 15 chances to win by commenting on each post + all the extra ones you get from tagging friends. Inviting friends to the fun gets more IG followers to the accounts which in turn leads to more 50€ gift cards to be raffled.
Join the celebrations by getting a camera For every sold camera we can buy a new a few more to fix. At the moment we have processed 50 000 memory making machines and on top handed over 5500 working ones to Kamerastore.com to sell. They are there on the site waiting to be picked up to a loving home. For every 100 sold items on the site by Tuesday 30.4.2019 – Kamerastore will raffle one 50€ gift card.
